What is Prolotherapy?

Prolotherapy is an injection technique used to help repair damaged tendons and ligaments and originates from the term “proliferation therapy”.  Unfortunately these tissues are often damaged and don’t fully heal leading to long term pain. This is because those tissues have a limited ability to heal themselves partly due to having less blood flow. Prolotherapy injections help stimulate healing even long after the injury has occurred.  

A very basic way of thinking about prolotherapy it is that it is a controlled chemical injury. An irritant substance (Usually dextrose combined with procaine) is injected to the damaged site. This irritant then triggers the attention of the immune system to come to the area injected and continue healing it. As a result collagen production increases and the damaged ligament or tendon becomes stronger and less painful over time. Other substances can also be injected including platelet rich plasma (PRP), hyaluronic acid, and vitamin B12.

Many types of injuries can benefit from Prolotherapy:

  • History of shoulder dislocation

  • AC joint separation

  • Rotator cuff injuries

  • Golfer’s/Tennis elbow (Medial or lateral epicondylitis)

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome

  • Wrist sprain/triangular fibrocartilage tear

  • MCL/LCL/ACL/PCL tears

  • Knee pain

  • Sprained ankles

  • Plantar fasciitis

  • Bunions and foot pain 

  • Many more

Some things to know about Prolotherapy:

  • This should be thought of as project work. A single treatment will not do the trick. Generally patients need to return for more treatments every 2-3 weeks for around 3-6 treatments but this is person dependent.

  • It’s important to have tried other less invasive therapies such as massage and physiotherapy before considering Prolotherapy.

  • ·Have a clear discussion ahead a time about which medications, supplements, and activities to take or avoid in order to get the best results.

Dr. Kelsey Murray, ND